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Marketing Your Home


One of my commitments to you when I list your home is a unique marketing plan geared towards maximizing exposure of your home to buyers. I put my marketing dollars into selling your home. Why? Because I believe if I do a good job and sell your home quickly then you will refer friends and family to me and a referral is the best compliment I can have.  While each house and situation is unique my plan for your home may include:


  • Complimentary consultation with a stager.

  • Professional photography of your home.

  • Professional drawing done of your floor plan.

  • Custom signage on a post with multiple directionals.

  • Mailings to your neighborhood and my database.

  • Coverage with mortgage originators and their clients.

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Web presence on over 2,000 sites

  • Marketing to key buyer's agents in Birmingham.


Social Media & Selling Your Home


A recent survey showed that 75% of the peopled surveyed made their last purchase based on influence from social media.  That means that they saw a friend purchase, an advertisement or liked a page or read a review. I have a background in advertising and social media.  This is a benefit to you as a seller.  I am able to put your home in front of buyers often before they even know they want to buy a home.  Effectively marketing your home on social media is a key component that sets me apart.


Pricing Your Home Right


Marketing brings people in the door but chances are that your home will sell at its fair market value. Pricing it realistically at the outset simply increases the likelihood for a timely sale with less inconveniences and greater monetary return.


Overpricing causes most homes to remain on the market too long. Buyers, aware of a long exposure period, are often hesitant to make an offer because they fear "something is wrong" with the house. Often homes that are on the market for a long time eventually sell for less than their fair market value.


Pricing your home competitively is one of the best things we can do to get your home sold in a timely manner.  I can and will provide you a comparative market analysis of your home. This helps you set a price that will make a good first impression with buyers and get your home sold fast.

contact me

Contact me for a free report on your home or more information

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Areas I Cover

With my office located in Hoover, Alabama I cover all of Birmingham, specifically:







Mountain Brook


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