Why You Can't Find The Perfect House
I know how you feel, there's another house under contract before you even get a chance to look at it. It seems like theres little chance to get a good look before a home is under contract. For sellers this is good news. If a seller is realistic in setting the price of their home and their house is in good move in ready condition then they are selling quickly in most areas in Birmingham. But for buyers in need of a house the market is requiring you to be agressive and quick in your decision making. Why? The answer is simple, in most areas, there's more buyers than there are quality homes for sale in the median price range. Did you see that? Quality homes. There are homes available but inventory is low on homes in the 150-225K price range that are in good condition. As the season continues more homes will be added to the mix but that doesn't mean its going to get much easier. So what can you do? Keep an eye out. Have your Realtor set up a search criteria so you get notifications as soon as a home goes on the market that meets your needs. If you are looking online use Realtor.com or liveinalabama.com they get listings the fastest. Have your financing already in order. Nothing else can help your offer more than a pre approval letter. If you are in a multiple offer situation this is a must.
Have all decision makers looking at the house. I recently had a situation where the wife wanted to go look without her husband. The house exceeded her expectations and she fell in love. Despite my prompting the husband wasn't able to get out there till after the weekend and as you guessed by now, the house was under contract at that point and the wife was upset to lose out on the home.
With a little strategic planning you can be ahead of most buyers and be the first to see and make an offer on the perfect home for you. If you are ready to get started on the home buying process call me at (205) 821-3270.